Can we "like" God?
Is likeableness even part of the equation when it comes to the existence and rule of an all-powerful Being?
I would argue that if there is indeed a god, we have no place to decide whether we like said god or not. Nor are we in a position to make comments about what such a god says or does.
God would demand our worship and respect whether God was good or kind. God is God. End of discussion.
Or is it?
Would God be God if he wasn't good?
I don't think so. And here's why.
Because God is God, you know, the Almighty Supreme Creator and Sustainer of everything, He has the right to define Himself. And we know from the book God has chosen to write for us to help us learn who He is that God describes Himself as,
“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin..."
Exodus 34:6-7a
And because God has chosen to define Himself in this way, He would cease to be God if He did not display this character. He would also cease to be God if He no longer lived up to the following statement:
"Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation."
Exodus 34:7b
This is when we start to think we can "dislike" God. We don't "like" judges. We don't "like" punishment. We think goodness means grace without judgment. But how could God show mercy if He did not first judge?
So we come to Christmas. The birth of a baby who is God Himself, humble. The humble God. Willing to become weak because He judged our sin and saw that we could not handle the weight of it, so He showed mercy by taking the punishment on Himself.
What kind of God is this?
If I could paraphrase John 3:16, I would tell you that,
God judged the world, and He saw we were incapable of taking the punishment we deserved for slapping Almighty God in the face and rejecting and disrespecting Him again and again. Then because He loved us in spite of our appalling condescension, He had mercy on us and decided to show the utmost humility by becoming human so He could bear the weight of the price of our rebellion. In doing so, He made a way for everyone who surrenders to His love to live forever and ever and enjoy His presence just like He wanted us to do in the first place.
That's what I would say to you. Because at Christmas, more than ever, we see God live up to His Name. That is who God is. He is Judge. He is Righteous. He does punish sin. And He is Merciful. He is Humble. He is Love. Both seemingly opposite qualities perfectly married in this one Beautiful Savior and King.
Surrender to His love today. Fall on your knees and praise His Name forever! O Night Divine when God became man so man could be with God forever!
Merciful Christmas to you.